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The Buzz: Siciliano’s Market News & Notes

Jul 29, 20132 min read
A Royal Obsession
Maybe I’m in the minority, but I didn’t even know that Prince Harry and the Duchess of Cambridge were expecting.

May 31, 20132 min read
The Muse is Missing
It’s four in the morning, I’m staring at a blank computer screen and I’m wondering where my muse is.

Dec 5, 20122 min read
The Enchantment of Christmas
By Steve Siciliano When I was very young I was afraid of the dark. Now, over fifty years later, I must admit that I can’t precisely...

Jun 11, 20121 min read
Everyday Masterpieces - The Art Above Us
By Steve Siciliano Sometimes when I look at the sky I imagine that I’m gazing at a painting. It could be a painting of a clear summer...
Jun 6, 20122 min read
Collaboration and Symbiosis in the Craft Beer World
By Steve Siciliano The other day when Barb and I were at Founders one of the bartenders mentioned that he recently sent some folks our...
May 21, 20122 min read
A Mown Commodity
By Steve Siciliano When I opened the shed door our dog Ellie Mae shot past me and began hunting. I share the space in that old shed with...

Apr 25, 20123 min read
Life is a Carnival (believe it or not)
The title of today's post is a tribute to the great Levon Helm, who passed away last week; it's also a fitting lead-in to the boss'...

Mar 26, 20122 min read
Westside store(y): the old shops on West Fulton Street
By Steve Siciliano I grew up on the lower west side of Grand Rapids where a house on Hovey between Lane and Marion was the center of my...
Mar 15, 20122 min read
Mixed Blessings
By Steve Siciliano “Sure is a nice morning,” I commented yesterday to the old fella who had come into the store for some wine making...

Oct 6, 20112 min read
Perfect October Evening
By Steve Siciliano If I was an artist I would try to capture the colors on canvas—the golden light from the lowering October sun...
Sep 20, 20112 min read
The Complete Joy of Crossword Puzzles
By Steve Siciliano As a result of having to look for ways to occupy my down time during my recent convalescence after hip replacement...

Sep 15, 20112 min read
Winter Approaches, and With It Opportunities
By Steve Siciliano I have never been someone who slides into a funk because of the weather but as I get older the idea of wintering in a...
Aug 31, 20112 min read
On the Problem of Disappearing Dive Bars
By Harry Winston Last week while driving up Michigan Street hill on the way to visit Steve after his hip surgery, I admired the...
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